tattoo aftercare

Please contact the shop if you have any questions or concerns as your tattoo heals.

aftercare instructions

  1. Leave your bandage on for a minimum of 1 hour

    Leave your bandage on for a minimum of 1 hour, and no longer than 4 or 5 hours. Do not rebandage unless you speak with your tattoo artist first.

  2. After removal of bandage, wash thoroughly with hot water

    After removal of bandage, wash thoroughly with hot water and a mild, liquid, unscented soap (dial, equate, etc...).

  3. Pat dry with a clean paper towel

    Pat dry with a clean paper towel and let air dry for one hour or more before applying aftercare.

  4. Apply a thin layer of product

    Apply a thin layer of product (fragrance free hand lotion, tattoo goo) and massage into the skin to the point where it just barely looks moist. Do not goop on a pile of a&d ointment. If using lotion, make sure the product has the words “fragrance free” on the label, otherwise there may be a small amount of chemical additive to make it smell just a little better and that is what will irritate it. We do not recommend a&d ointment because of its high petroleum content. This will block your skin from breathing, which is the most important thing for not only healthy, but especially healing skin. It needs to be able to breathe to avoid clogging pores, etc.

  5. Keep your tattoo clean with soap and water

    The most important part of healing your tattoo is keeping it clean with soap and water! It is a mere matter of common sense. If you are out and about, working, getting dirty, wash it often.

  6. Repeat this process for a week or two

    Repeat this process for a week or two depending on the how the tattoo looks. It will peel like a sunburn after a few days (it is totally normal to see colored flakes of skin shedding). If it does scab in a few areas, this is nothing to worry about. Just let them fall off on their own. Do not scratch or pick at them and do not over-saturate in the shower. This could soften them up too much and cause them to come off prematurely, which will leave blank spots that will need touching up.

  7. Avoid sun and soaking in water of any kind

    During the healing sun, no swimming pools, no jacuzzis, no ocean, no soaking in water of any kind!

  8. After your tattoo is healed

    After your tattoo is healed, use sunblock. this will keep it looking like new longer.

  9. The better you take care of the skin, the better the tattoo looks underneath

    Think of it this way; you are looking through the skin at the ink underneath much like a picture in a frame with glass over it. The better you take care of the glass/skin the better the picture/tattoo looks underneath.

  10. After you are all healed

    After you are all healed (usually about 2 weeks) stop in and say hello so the artist can give it a good looking over to make sure it does not need to be touched up, and to get a nice healed portfolio picture. All touch up work is included in your original price for up to a year. If you want to change the tattoo in any way, there may be a small fee.